Your company can use the Waterfront Development Tax Credit to help revive Allegheny Landing.

Allegheny Landing a highly utilized section of the riverfront trail.
Riverlife is a designated Waterfront Development Organization, which means your business can get a 75% tax benefit this year by contributing to our Allegheny Landing revitalization project through the Pennsylvania Waterfront Development Tax Credit Program. Applications open October 15th.
Allegheny Landing Park was dedicated in 1984 as one of Pittsburgh’s first modern riverfront parks. Located in the heart of the North Shore this city-owned park has since become a well-used and beloved node of Pittsburgh’s riverfront trail system, but requires major upgrades and repairs. Riverlife is leading the effort to revitalize Allegheny Landing, but a project of this size requires partnerships from our community.

Improvements to the site include repairing the destroyed dock.
Here’s how your business can help:
- Apply- Applications are open October 15 through November 1, but applications are reviews on a first come first served basis so get your application in ASAP!
- Donate & Verify- Once you’ve received notification of approval from DCED, your company can make its contribution directly to Riverlife.
- Earn Tax Credit!
Interested in applying? Learn more here.