Riverlife presents ‘to be determined’: Take a Seat!
Take a Seat! is an interactive installation of movable chairs on the riverfront, and the latest chapter in Riverlife’s ‘to be determined’ series under the Fort Duquesne Bridge. Thirty lightweight movable chairs are equipped with a GPS locator to record their locations and movements under the bridge and into Point State Park.
Find a chair, move it to your favorite riverfront spot during the Dollar Bank Three Rivers Arts Festival, take a seat, and enjoy the view! Snap a pic and tag it online with #TakeaSeatPGH and track the chairs’ journey at RiverlifePGH.org.
‘to be determined’ was developed by Riverlife in 2015 to highlight the potential of the underutilized space along the Allegheny River under the Fort Duquesne Bridge on-ramp between Point State Park and the Cultural District. Take a Seat! is presented in tandem with “Displaced: Photos by Maranie Staab” which is on view in the ‘to be determined’ space throughout the summer.
UPDATE, June 12: As the Take a Seat! chairs migrate back to Riverlife’s office as their run at the Dollar Bank Three Rivers Arts Festival concludes, we want to thank everyone who participated in this experiment! Over the last 10 days, we loved tracking in-person and online how and where you used the chairs. We watched kids, adults, dogs, runners, couples, students, Three Rivers Arts Festival go-ers, and skateboarders put their creativity to the test (check out the Instagram photos below, and search for #TakeASeatPGH on Twitter for some examples).
Where would you like to Take a Seat next? Email Riverlife Senior Project Manager Nina Chase, nina@riverlifepgh.org.