Some of the city’s most populous neighborhoods line the Monongahela River, but there are few places to get to the shoreline.
The Mon is Pittsburgh’s “working river” where barges still carry tons of coal, coke, iron, and steel. Known to the Native Americans as the “river with high banks that fall,” the Mon’s steep topography and legacy industrial uses mean that few people live next to the riverfront and access is difficult.
We will make the most of the connections that do exist and create new meaningful connections where possible on both sides of the river.
On the south bank, the Fourth Street will gain an expanded kayak landing and an improved connector trail between the Highline and Station Square. On the north side, new “Connectors” will provide access to the Eliza Furnace Trail from Oakland, Schenley Park, Uptown and Hazelwood Green.
Our Vision for the future of the Monongahela River Room

Essential projects in the Monongahela River Room

Improvements to South Side Riverfront Park will make this space more welcoming to pedestrians. This park is heavily used and will benefit from trail maintenance, stormwater control, and amenities.

A new Pittsburgh Technology Center spur to the Eliza Furnace Trail can be a riverfront connection from Schenley Park to Hazelwood Green.

The Highline-Station Square connector will be a safe, riverfront trail with artistic installations at the concrete plant.