Issued: June 12, 2024
Riverlife (“Riverlife” or “Project Owner” or simply “Owner”) is requesting bid proposals for the Allegheny Riverfront Park Upper Level Restoration on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh as the Property Owner of Record and other federal, state and local grant resources. Please review the following list that highlights information associated with the project that may be helpful in your bidding process. Bidders should review the Bidding Documents in their entirety for a complete discussion of the items highlighted below.
PROJECT: | Allegheny Riverfront Park Upper Level Restoration |
PROJECT ADDRESSES: | 601 & 701 Fort Duquesne Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 |
PROJECT INFORMATION: | Park restoration per attached |
BID DOCUMENTS: | Bid packages will be available through Accu-Copy Reprographics (724) 935-7055 (herein referred to as the Bidding Service), at their Cranberry Township office or through their online plan room (https://planroom.accu-copy.com/public.php). Contact Accu-Copy to complete a Bid Registration Form and to submit a non-refundable deposit of:
Hard Copy Only $90.00 Electronic Only (pdf) $50.00 Hard Copy + Electronic $120.00 |
The Pre-Bid Meeting will be held Friday, June 28, 2024 beginning at 10:00AM at the Project Address listed above. | |
BID PROPOSAL: | Please see the form located in section 00-41-23. All bids shall be submitted on the bid form provided without modification, alteration, or conditioning. Attach the Scope of Work to the bid form. Bids not in this form will be rejected as nonresponsive. |
BID DUE DATE: | Sealed Bids with Bid Bonds will be received by Maria Riley (Riverfront Project Manager) at:
Riverlife On Friday, July 12, 2024 at 12:00 PM [Noon]. Bids will be opened at 3:00PM. Only sealed bids with bid security will be accepted. |
VALIDITY OF BID: | All Bids shall be valid for a period of Sixty (60) calendar days after submission of the Bid(s). |
INTERPRETATION AND ADDENDA | Requests for interpretations, clarifications, corrections or changes of the Bidding Documents must be made in writing at least [seven (7) calendar days] prior to the date for receipt of Bids. No Addenda will be issued later than [two (2) business days] prior to the date for receipt of Bids except for the limited situations set forth in the Instructions to Bidders. |
BOND REQUIREMENTS | Bid bonds are required on this project per Section 00-21-13 Instructions to bidders’ Section 10.
Performance and Payment bonds are required for this project. |
INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS | Insurance requirements are included in the Prime Contract, including builder’s risk coverage. Contractors will not be allowed on site until they have fully complied with the insurance requirements. |
PREVAILING WAGES, STEEL, and OTHER IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS | Prevailing wages are required on this Project, along with many other specific requirements outlined in the RACP Key Compliance Guidelines (5/1/2024 version) which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference – strict compliance is required by all Bidders with each requirement in this document. |
MBE/WBE GOALS | MBE/WBE goals are as attached hereto as an Exhibit. |
TAXES/EXEMPTIONS | Bidders are advised this Project is tax exempt. A copy of the tax exemption will be furnished to each successful Contractor if applicable. |
BIDDING | Any modification, clarification or deviation from the Bid Form or Scope of Word Bid Package could cause the Bid to be rejected as nonresponsive. |
QUESTIONS | All questions should be directed to Maria Riley at maria@riverlifepgh.org listed above. |